On my 19th BirthdayI received 4 sexiest, dirtiest thongs from my dearest Precious friends.
Picture is strictly M18. I know you horny people are definitely dying to see them now. So who cares about M18? Here you are my Sexy Thongs contestant, and YOU can be my Sexy Thongs judges! Vote for the sexiest Thongs!
Drum roll please!First coming out is Little Miss Purity white. Dainty and simplicity as she is, with only a white lacey rim.
Next up, is Little Miss Vainglory Scarlet. Her rim is studded with little sapphire crystal, dazzling under the light. From her slight translucent front, you can tell she is a wild goer. Now you see how her name come about ya!
Our upcoming contestant is getting more and more competitive, so here you are, I present Little Miss Glamour Paris! Her lacey rim with hot pink ribbons, her front is even more translucent then the previous contestant! She is totally viciously wild yet sweet, don’cha think so too? Shout, “IT’S PARTY TIME!” See now why I relate it to Paris? Paris have a sweet outlook, yet her dressing is so sexy and wild and a super pop party goer too!
Our finally contestant is every bit as competitive as the previous. Put your hand together to welcome our final contestant, Little Miss Airborne! (dog whistle call, wolf call) Courageous, free, airy and unique is her moto. Her daring front have only a lacey borders around it with the center empty! With a little touch or pink ribbon on the rim, give Little Miss Airborne a soft touch. Sexy~ Little Miss Airborne assure you a entire cooling feel throughout~~~!!!
Now Sexy Thongs judges you have seen all the Sexy Thongs contestant, I bet your nose is bursting with hot blood. Before you pass out from too much blood lost, I need YOU to vote for the SEXIEST LITTLE THONGS. leave your vote in my text box, and I’ll reveal my Little Miss favourite.Hoohoohoo
Apart from this sexy surprise, someone unexpected surprise me too! The person is my DAD! He actually send me a Chinese text massage to greet me happy birthday! When I saw the number I was already very shock, and when I open the massage, and read the first line, “祝你生日快了” my tears just flow out of my eye, and when I continue to read on, “用功念書﹐爸爸愛你﹐爸爸不在﹐要聽媽媽的話” my tears just kept flowing out involuntarily. I was touched, delighted, surprised that my dad will actually remember my birthday, and even text to wish me a happy birthday. It is a great lapse! Can you feel my joy!?
My sister’s in Christ build this little post-your-wishes birthday board for me, the greatest credit to Jasmine the board builder :)
Thank you everyone who have wish me a happy birthday I appreciate all your effort, and I greatly sense your sincerity <3>