Tuesday, February 27, 2007

+ NC 16 ? So what? i am already 17......Haha.

+ NORBIT!!! was a totally funny show, its a bit gross...for a human mind u can never imagine a women weighting as heavy as a baby elehant in bikini. stop squeezing ur ind and trying to picture one. GO WATCH NORBIT. i love the part where the fat lady went to the beach in BIKINI k. don play play ar. haha. she was so fat that the her fats hung downwards covering her underwear. u will really gross out when she pulled up her LUMP of FATS up. EEEEEEEEWWWW. Norbit a very sad character in this movie. he was the nerdiest people on earth, lagging behind history. Good thing is Norbit didn't let his life continue to be ruin by the His extremely fat wife and stand up at his own descisin and married his DREAM girl ~ ah~ sweet. happy ending.

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