I eat nothing "healthier", more "nutritious" then waffles everyday. practically. There are called Porn Food because they look temptation, seducing, that makes you wana shout "I WANT TO EAT YOU!!!!!! " ironically, the term is use to describe food that had high content of calorie and fats. Waffles happen to fall into this categories. :(
but it still doesn't affects my love for waffles anyway. ever since that day i found out that W4 sells great waffles, i never stop visiting their shop. i think their waffles is recognise by the WHOLE school la! those who love waffles, definitely have to try W4 wowffurs!~
i just had a orea waffle with original Magnolia milk :D not a bad mix, i don't mind to have it everyday~ woOHOO on a second thought, i don't wana gain weight while indulging. i think i have to cut down on waffles, and eat more truly healthier food. :(