Friday, August 22, 2008

oh my, what a plasterful sight. that cheap Bata wedges i bought for only $5 dollar had also bought me a blistering feet. BOO! just as i thought i got a real rip off from Bata.

Holiday is awesome. i wake up at 2pm plus everyday, and work my night off in Nirai Kanai. i love my current job.

school is starting in one more week time. what the blehx. the so called "3 week" of holiday, is only 2 weeks and 4days. -.-

first semester itself is already a killer. i cannot imagine how semester 2 will be like. everything will start from scratch again. mingling around with the new classmates, and understanding their strength and weakness so to work better as a team...what the heckus.

i have no idea how many weeks old is Chevelle now. but she finally learn how to smile, and laugh! look at her! so adorable~! awwwwwwwww. the hardest thing is to captured a perfect smile of hers. the picture might be blurred. at least, i manage to capture her smile.

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