Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm stalking Lady Gaga on Youtube

i am watching this video of Lady gaga performing poker face in acoustic version, suddenly it just came to me she love her ass a lot, or very proud of it. watching her perform is so pyschotic. all the insane she can put up, i wonder what's going on in her mind. i wonder what is running through her mind when she stand on the stage and perform? is that her real self? or is it her inner like mad person that she can't express it out in her normal self, only on stage she can let her inner mad soul run? her fashion is over the top, or you call it cutting edge. but i call it Over the edge and fell off the cliff. it is so extreme! if she would ever start her own fashion show, i think i'll probably walk out feeling i've just watch a cosplay. everything is so "BOOMZ" "BAMZ" WHAMPZ!" i realise in most of her vid, she is superbly into the swimwear fashion. the V that cut your butt in the way that reveal your cheek butt? she totally hype that.

this is one fashion that all the hype boutiques are adpoting too. it depends how the V cut, it is actually quite sexy too, like how Dawn yang wear it with a pair of jean. me for sure can never adopt this fashion, the high V will reveal my muffin top! awwww, but i like it. :( too bad, i am fat.

back to Lady Gaga. i know i am slow, but i realise Lady Gaga don't just have a pretty face, but a great vocal too. for moment, i thought Lady Gaga looks bimbotic-not. she is talented and definitely artsy crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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