A firm "NO"
and HER reason for not granting my wish is because, she sees that room as another source of income. she can rent out that room for more money....... if Money is a real person right now, i'm willing to commit my first murder in my entire life by killing him!!!!!
yup, just to gain MY freedom. MINE, ME, I. very selfish. very. BUT i really feel that i need one!.
my study place now is a shared corner in the living room. where activities took place, where people walk in and out of the house. where television is blasted, where my niece is free to run to me and ask for a 'bao bao' (hug hug). it is so freaking open that i must seat appropriately, because i got tenants living in my house.
i just want to be in my comfort zone when i work. tsk.....
i have start working again. i've been in the working industry as a part timer for about 3 years now, and i feel tired already. i am so tired of the F&B or Retail or any costumer related job. it is interesting that you get to meet all walks of people but one thing, serving another human is not a easy job.
This is to all consumers!!!!!!!!
- you as a CONSUMER, i don't care how rich you are, but when you talk to a service staff, PLEASE ask with POLITENESS, showing at least some HUMANITY would be greatly appreciated. so what you are rich and of high status? your manner just imply to me that your parents probably hadn't been teaching you some basic manners in your entire life!
- "where is my food? i've been waiting for 10mins already!" hello! you want good food, you need to wait for them to cook. you want your food to come fast, then i think fast food restaurant will suits you better. HEY, don't be so impatient. the restaurant don't serve you only. OPEN YOUR EYES, LOOK AROUND. there is other tables of costumers too! but of course if you have waited for 30mins already, just check with the waiter NOT SCREAM at them.
- A SMILE or an act of COURTESY, like a THANK YOU and PLEASE will make the service staff more willing and happy to serve you. if you want a good service, be a POLITE consumer. this way, service staff will feel more enjoyable serving you.
- USE YOUR BRIAN A LITTLE PLEASE, the service staff have probably stand the whole day, part timers like me come from school and work in the night feels physically strained already. DON'T BE SO SELFISH ANS DEMANDING. when i first started out working, when a costumer raised their voice on me, i swear my tears will just burst out instantly. now, i have learn that they are just being some BIG SHIT OF ARROGANT people, WHINERS and KINGS AND QUEENS of COMPLAINERS. now when i met a nasty consumers who abused this "Consumer is always right" policy. i feel like sticking a fork into their throat and dig their eyeballs out.
there is also some sterotype groups of people with seriously bad attidue. i don't want name names here, for those who have been in the service line will probably have a list of them.
i got a feeling i'll be late for school tomorrow again. nothing new. hey, i feel that i got some Waking up disorder. should i consult a doctor?