Friday, May 18, 2007

my BK breakfast. :) initially , i wanted Mac's breakfast. but Tab wanted BK, and she kinda psycho made me change my mind. haha. this was my first time eating BK's breakfast, and it cost my $5.90 (the full course).

ingredient: 2 eggs, 1 big sausages, 3 baked Bacon, 2 melted cheese, 2 piece of bread

ok, this is the start of my breakfast story....

lets began with the food arrangement on my tray......this is exactly the view from my side.

"hot!" Olivia gasped, as she started mixing the sugar and milk into her tea. she took a sip of it and placed it back down on the tray. next, she ripped the edged of the chili sauce, while busy chatting with her friends not aware of what was going to happen.................

and the next moment.....
"OH NO!" Olivia shrieked, as the chili sauce happily dripped into her cup of tea.

she began stirring the tea, hoping to scope up the chili. but the steaming hot tea had melted addition, the stirring had help to speed up the melting of the chili.

(-_-) BOO*
But Olivia was too thirsty to care. she took the first sip. only a slight chili taste! and the second taste was almost tasteless of the chili anymore.........
ok. in the end she finished the whole cup. BRUP*

+the burger was GREAT! super full and super FATTENING.

i added 730 CALORIES into my already bulging out tummy :(

but..its worth eating! once in a while :D

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