yesterday Mrs tan was absent, and throughout no relief teacher came in either. i had so much fun with my friends.
i was writing J-A-N-I-C-E, when yolanda suddenly came into the class room and pull me out to play PEPSI COLA. it was so fun LOH. HAHa. and after that, we were like some BIG kiddo running about in the corridor and chasing each other in the class room. YES! we were playing catching. it had been so long................ since i play this game. :p
exhausting, madness, totally out of control~
LOLs. who cares? Nobody.... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
and after that, we play the crocodile and fish game? i don't know what this game called, its like u have a boundary, and the catcher can't come in. the person only can stand beyond the boundary and try to catch the person inside. the game didn't last long, because the classroom is too small and its quite boring. so we played THE MUSICAL CHAIR. the winner is none other then ME! the one who kana the forfeit is also ME. ming xuan sugested a pole dance, but its so embarrasing.i didn't wanna do it.but i did an umbrella dance in the end~
RINNNGGGGGGGG~ the school bell rang.
and thats the end of THURSDAY!

"OLIVIA!" says the calculator. (^^,)

currently reading this book call : UGLY
its about this child being abuse by her mother....etc.
i was testing my phone camera, and wanted to see how my purple sofa cover will look like in the my phone. not bad. :D
________labour day______

this was another picture drawn. only SPECIAL people will apperciate this "art" pieces.
guess whose foot it belongs to ?
its MAK WENLING ones.
nice yay?
______last sunday_______

and finally i bought THE BLUE bag.
initally, Sheena & i wanted the black glittery one.
however, it just end up that she found something better then that. and for me, instead of buying the black , i bought the BLUE !! i love the colour. we were almost con by one of the shop aunty there. she sell it for around 20?? i couldn't remember the price. we tried to bargian, but she insisted that her bag is specially customize, 4cm more then the others. but later we found out that if the bag is 4cm more, it will be HUGE!!! LIAR AUNTY. how can one bag be that BIG??? and it don't that big also. HUMPH. bad aunty.
my BLUE bag cost 19, its medium size. i felt cheated by the price some how....a large bag cost 15 and my medium cost 19? initally it was 20>more...well.....I STILL LOVE IT. HA!

i think this picture were taken on Monday. during some free lesson i think.....haha...... i took a piece of SUPER SOLID wood and challenge the guys to break it. simon & rajiv were mainly the one competing. yong yu did participate, but he failed to break it. rajiv manage to break the wood by doing the KARATA stunt. placing the wood in between two tables. the wood was being place in such a way that look like a bridge in between the table. HAI YAH!!! and the wood break into two. BRAVO.
then they decided to break the wood using their foot. so they did the FOOT KARATA, and break the wood :)