christams night, i have a party thrown in my house by my sister. she invited all her friends. before her friends came i already guess it will be a gambling christmas party. indeed. i am right. i thought they will play majhong. but one of her friend brought this Mini Dice look alike thing and play this through out the night. the guy who brought this over win ALOT of money, and i really mean ALOT . their bets is $10- $50 or $50- $100, he was the "cheng kay" and he win about 300-500? the fat stack of money is WOW.! i didn't gamble but i watch them played. and when they went out for a smoke break i played with the dice and gamble a chance of getting 3 of a same kind. finally before they came back i manage to shake a 3 of the same kind. ITS REAL OK! i din arrange it! I SHAKE IT!

at first i thougth only one or two of them have tattoo. but more of them came, i realise they all have tattoo all over their body. i took a picture because i never seen so many people with tattoo all over their body in my house before. LOL.

the christmas party is a pot luck kind, so everyone had to bring food and a gift for the gift exchange. i wanted a huge bean bag, this is my wish. and i got a........

the christmas party is a pot luck kind, so everyone had to bring food and a gift for the gift exchange. i wanted a huge bean bag, this is my wish. and i got a........

smaller version of bean bag soft toy.
very hug-ger-able
and one day i don like it any more i can SIT on it. AHAHAHAHAHA

i count down my christmas in clark quey with jasmine. we also catch the launch of that ball, that send people flying up high and pulled down again. it looks FUN. so i decided to play this on my 2008 birthday.
Dear Precious,
pls save up so for my 2008 birthday ok. we will play this thing together :)
they have this student ride also. its $30. the usual is $40 and $60.
I. OLIVIA. the birthday girl call the shot. so its a MUST for EVERYONE!!!!! anyone who rejects this ride shall buy me a HUGE BEAN BAG!!!!! WAHAHAHA.
the sinful scenery on the opposite.
Clubs after clubs
party-ers queueing to get in
bar girls dressed all slutty
smoke filled air.
how did i mange to tour through the whole place?
also have no idea.
but it was a eye opening for me. call me innocent. it was my first time see-ing the night life. very interesting.
less crowds. fresher air. less RA-RA
and safer.....
we need to cross a bridge to reach the less RA-RA side.
crossing the bridge is a HORROR.
people on the bridge mostly armed with spray cans, and attack anyone!
thank God. we took the small path beside the bridge and dodged all the foamy white thingy.

i try to fish jasmine with my light sick. but jasmine preferred to be fished by a candy cane :D


i try to fish jasmine with my light sick. but jasmine preferred to be fished by a candy cane :D

12 o'clock!!!