Sunday, May 25, 2008

i enjoyed the retreat that was held in Shujia's house over the weekend. ever since school started, the overwhelming school life kinda draws my attention away from God. it is time for me to go back, and set my path right with Him.

One good news!

i finally got my 2nd 'A' for my semester one!!!!


and one bad news is, the capsule that i swallowed dry 3 days ago had since stuck in my throat till today!! in the begaining i was proud of myself to able perform such a stunt (swallowing the capsule without water). but now, i truly not proud of this ability being able to do so.

for the whole of today, i had a little cake and bread for breakfast. lunch i had hot dog bun, and a few pieces of vegetables and baked beans for dinner. you must be thinking that this is my new strict diet plan. i am sorry, you are wrong.

that capsule had causes so much obstacle in my throat that i took nearly half and hour to finish my hot dog bun. i took a full mouth bite, and it took me 5 min to get it swallowed. even drinking of water can causes as much pain as eating.

T-rex training tomorrow...

run chicken run~!

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