Thursday, February 11, 2010

Give some thoughts

when i was on my home from a movie, suddenly this thought struck me. what will i be after i graduate? as i reflected, i realised that I have given more time into my temp job then my studies. though i only work once in a week or twice, but on those days that i did not work i have a tendency to took it as a "literate break from work" and procrastinate to work on anything else. when i got tons of things to be done. like my portfolio which i totally should do something about it.

the thought of being a nobody, as in career wise scares me. i think i need to give more thoughts to what kind of firm i want to work in and REALLY work towards it. i need to set a goal and work towards it. i need to be more self driven. i need to focus on my future more then all this temporary jobs that i have been sailing from one to another. because i just don't enjoy what i was doing in those temp job. if not for money, i'll not bother to labor there.

when i was jay crossing the road, another thought struck me again. what happen if a car came by and hit me down like Val? i have not succeed in any way yet, if i die right now i think i'll feel like the greatest loser on earth because i hadn't complete what i have begin.

one more year, graduation, excellent presentable portfolio.
and for now, i need a good internship. that will bring an eye opening for me, with lots of  blasting experience and very very beneficial to my portfolio.

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