Durain is "smelly" enough, imagine durian vomit.
the entire day of today, i've been running back and forth the toilet. according to the doctor, i've consume some dirty food that causes this upset in the stomach. back ache, queasy feeling inside my stomach, fatigue face from vomiting, cold, best of all- i can't control the urge to shit. everything was involuntary. :(
i am feeling much better now. the diarrhea have gone, so as the sensation to barf. my lower back is still aching, feeling both mentally and physically feeble still.
yesterday was my my elder sister and mum who got this disease. little Chevelle is having diarrhea for quite some time. seems like this disease is contagious. this whole drama starts early this morning when i was about to prepare for church. that was when i felt this strong sensation to barf- durain vomit. the smell really sucks.
time now is 9.16pm and i hadn't consume any solid food except for the medication. i didn't dare to eat, i'm afraid to agitate my my stomach and i'll start vomiting again. i am hungry...i can feel my stomach growling...