Wed my Nes Day where else but home
just one poster that i have finally completed. i might rework it again along with the other works that i said i feel like reworking. for me, once i 'feel' that i have 'finally' complete one work, is like a rock that i've finally can put down. for the past 4 days i keep 'fan' over this poster. this is the exact same poster that my advisor comment it was too literal. :( not well done enough. i feel that it is lacking of something. something,.....just something.....
my advisor gave me a new idea and ask me to work on it. a way more better and interesting one i said. That- gimme me more time, if i got spare time i'll work on it on my on coming 2 weeks of holiday along with my new assignment to design for a series of collectors stamp. theme is based on Singapore of cozzzzzzzzzzzzxzxzxzxxxzzzz. they are all going into my portfolio, so gotta make it as polish as possible.
this morning when i wake up, i hope i woke up in some nice hotel. just dreaming that i was on a holiday.
sadly no, woke up in my room @3pm, now is almost 7pm and my day have JUST started. tomorrow is my Portfolio review 2! i got a lot of drawings and research to do, otherwise i'll die tomorrow.
& just a quick update about yesterday-
one of my friend ask us along for a short film screening @ old school. all the short films are done by foreign producer. that was an insight, for all the young aspiring film making ones like some of us. not me, i am not entire into it. but i don't mind being a part of the crew if chances come along. the process is long and tiring, but when you see your film on the screen and people actually appreciate it. you'll feel that your effort is paid off :)
after, a group of us went Timber and sabotage Zec as the birthday boy. he was invited on stage to sing a song, Collide. which he gamely did with a lot of enthusiasm. HAHAHAHAHHA! we all have a great laughed at our seats along with some beer, awesome thing crust pizza (i super love thin crust pizza!) and jumbo wings. Great food, great entertainment. caught the last train & bus home.
well, come to think of it i think i was the one who eventually sabo him on stage. we were all SMS-ing in our song dedication. so i send "Airplane by B.O.B from the Bithday boy". that was the when the lady goes "ohhhhh~ there is a birthday boy...blah blah blah...." before that the lady had already greeted us just as when we got seated cos we were the largest table there. she was asking if we were having some celebration and we joked it was Zech's brithday. :) get the story now? it was all a prank.
k, got to do some work now.
just a timely reminder for myself.
eat only when you are hungry & eat MODESTLY. otherwise FAT face & FAT everywhere.